Mulroney Hall
completed with Moriyama Teshima Architects as Intern Architect
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
winner, design-build competition
93,000 sq.ft. - LEED Gold
At Moriyama Teshima Architects I produced a winning design-build competition bid for a 93,000 sq.ft. academic building. Mulroney Hall is the home of St. Francis Xavier University's newly established Brian Mulroney Institute of Government, a unique program focusing on studies at the undergraduate level.
The building's primary design motif is an east-west indoor/outdoor walkway that connects the upper and lower campuses of St. FX, enhancing the accessibility, look, and feel of the campus core. Views to various campus landmarks are framed by the design of interior common areas, enabled by the site’s dramatic topography. Tiered meeting and study spaces are scattered throughout the building common areas, creating an environment that is both practical and comfortable.

© 2025 gandhi habash / architecture